Showing posts with label millennials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label millennials. Show all posts

Friday, July 17, 2015

An Irrational Dream Regarding Millennials and the Culture

Standing in a dimly lit room for a long period of time, our "awareness - o - meter" is not spiked when the room grows gradually darker.

To expect a generation to be rattled by a moral decline, an oversized government that continues to grow, or the impact that broken social values have on our economic and cultural structure - is a dream. An irrational assumption, and a fairy tale dream.

However when a small light appears on the scene of the described dark room, while we may not immediately sense the need to pivot to it, we may eventually notice it. Our intrigue will grow as the light increases in size and quantity. The greater the presence of light, the darkness runs into the shadows. Once we see the authentic truth of the light, and its fruit that bears resemblance to no other, its appeal will woo us and we will recognize we're ready to move on from the dullness of the night. Realization will strike us that "our room" is dark and ill-fitting to our intricately woven purpose sown into our dna that we crave to pursue. We will respond.

In translation from analogy to reality - the room is our culture and "we" are the Millennial Generation (young adults between the ages of 24 - 35).

If you as the Presidential Candidates of 2016, community leaders, concerned parents, corporation CEOs, or anyone in between - want to convince us our nation is headed down the wrong path, you need to show us a light to walk towards. Convince us by your personal and genuine display that the world we currently reside in is pitiful compared to what we as Americans, and children of God are meant to - and can - embrace.
  • Get your finances in order before pointing fingers at us and our irresponsibility.
  • Decrease your dependence on government before telling us we lack responsibility and need more independence.
  • Get your relationships right among friends, morally, sexually, and among a fellowship of community before telling us we should not be isolationists.
  • Live out your patriotism, and American dream. Show us your story of why America matters to you.
  • Respect authorities and the rule of law if you want us to appreciate and do the same.
  • You want us to have a grasp on history, and a vision for the future? Do you?
  • And are your words proceeded by actions? 
Do not leave us alone to abide in our growing abyss of destructive darkness. But instead live out an example - shine a light by your own life.

The purpose OF this post is not to extend guilt or condemnation, but to offer a perspective. Your heart grieves at the apathy of Millennials and our perceived lack of patriotism and engagement. Recognize that we do not appreciate the full depth of a danger we are in because we have grown up in a "gradually increasing dark world" for most of our lives. It is what we know.

But YOU ... you have the ability to draw us to a better way. Start the redemption process of America story - with you. By your living example, you can remind us of the foundations, stoke our passion, demonstrate we have hope to move towards, and illuminate how the "wrong way" things are being done now provide a dismal future.

Standing in a fully lit room, we'll see the truth and in turn we will cause the beacon on the hill to shine bright once again.

- ajh

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Political Leaders: Do Not Fundamentally Transform a Nation Because of a Generation Who Has Yet to Know Who We Are.

How to engage the young people is a byline political, and cultural leaders pose for discussion. Yes, it's true that they are (we are!) an important market. So if they want to reach us, they need to figure us out.

I'm a political nut and my head is reeling from all the Presidential Candidates to date. In fact, I think it's a bit ridiculous (and I'm fine with options and choices in this matter) to have this many people.

The questions that will be ASSUMED upon the Millennials the pollsters CHOOSE to poll will pertain to jobs, college debts, homosexual "marriage", the economy- oh and don't forget choice. The all significant choice for women on whether they can have an abortion (never mind that many of the Millennials are MISSING from the cultural discussion BECAUSE they have been aborted. They could have made all the difference in our economy but wait, I digress).

Ask anyone in their 60's or 80's if they knew themselves in their teens, 20's or even 30's. Few people I would guess were settled in their own identity, their own grounded philosophy or even career and family structure when they were the Millennials' ages (approximately between 1980 and 1991).

So, why is it that the mainstream media, and other influential voices are looking to young adults NOW as to their opinions on matters and letting that DRIVE the discussions? Why are they letting young adults create a narrative?

Let's not forget the Middle Age market, and the Senior Citizens of our nation. There is way too much worship of youth in this culture but that's for another post.

Our - the Millennials - participation is very vital, wanted, and we bring some great points to the table. However, the theme of a nation on important policy topics should not be driven by those who are - overall - still unsure of themselves, let alone the identity of a nation.

Presidential Candidates, and political operatives: As you rush to cater to us so that you can catch our vote, consider this: Millennials will respect you more when you stand for something - even if we do not agree - that we would for you changing with the wind, especially for our account. 

Give us WISDOM from the ages, not political correct speak. We are still discovering ourselves. Respect us - but do not transform a nation because of a generation who does not yet know who we really are.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

American Dream in Progress

A man ran for President in 2012 by the name of Mitt Romney. He chose a Vice Presidential candidate by the name of Paul Ryan. A Congressman from Wisconsin, a man in his 40's, a dad and husband who of course was hopeful he might win the number 2 most powerful seat in America. But something else happened. Mitt and Paul lost.

I don't think he expected what was to follow though.

In his campaign travels he met some people, whose stories gripped him, and he could not shake the impact. He had to help tell their narrative. Watch this short video - Episode 1 of his Comeback Episode 1. You are about to be blown away.

In a political world that is used to generating solutions for poverty, and a number of other issues, this policy wonk decided if we are to truly bring solutions we need to go outside the walls of government. We must see what people are doing in the communities.

I don't think people knew that he was on the scene for more than a moment. Possibly a catalyst to a shot of adrenaline of hope into our culture.

Thank you, Mr. Ryan for seeing beyond just your own political ambitions.  America, God is doing incredible things in our nation. The BEST IS YET TO COME! And what you are about to witness is the real Comeback Story ...

Full of hope,

Saturday, July 11, 2015

God's Favorite Sign

Anyone else "collecting rainbows"? I keep seeing rainbows in the heavens!!!!
I know we have a lot of rain however I love it that it's God's sign of faithfulness and they are being displayed NOW in this interesting hour of history.
To those in our culture who have claimed it as their brand ... EMBRACE IT. Because each time you change your profile picture or wave your flag, you are reminding the world that GOD IS FAITHFUL. And it seems He really REALLY wants YOU to know it too. Don't you think it's interesting that of ALL THE EMBLEMS you could have chosen you chose A RARE EXAMPLE IN HISTORY THAT God specifically said THIS IS A SIGN FOR FOREVER of one of MY CHARACTERISTICS?!
He could have told us the rainbow reminds us of His anger, or that sin doesn't win, or anything ... but HE CHOSE to remind us FOR FOREVER (and ever and ever) of HIS FAITHFULNESS. HE WILL NOT ABANDON US, OR HIS PROMISES OF GOODNESS to us.
God has great dreams for you ... He is faithful to YOU. He will NOT walk away from His promises.
GOD IS GOOD. And His rainbow is beautiful. But more so the God it represents behind it. So keep waving it in our faces. There is a remnant that is rejoicing. We can see beyond your political aggressiveness ... God is going to do great things in the "rainbow community." You will be KNOWN as a community that learned of God's faithfulness ...
God's sweet blessings of revelation to you beloved rainbow community. God's awesome things are to come for you!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

An Expensive Run

The clouds were heavy. Thunder had been intermittently testing its voice. But at "this" moment, there was no rain. So, a 4 mile run was in order.

There is nothing like the threat of impending rain to cause one to test one's speed, with the hopes of beating its downpour by making it home - first. 

Forget making it home dry. Rain like Bible-Famous-Noah's Tsunami hit about mile 3. Ignoring the option to turn off to many family members' alcoves along the way, I pressed on. The rain surpassed my speed and did not slow down. 

Like all 21st century runners, of course we have something tech close at hand for listening entertainment. My proverbial smart phone was in an armband case. How funny of me to assume it could survive. 

By the time I made it home, I was soaked wet. And everything on me as well. I can survive with a little rain but not the phone. With a bit of dismantling, drying with a towel, consulting YouTube for how to use the magical "dry rice" treatment, and some big hopes - I succumbed to the idea that it was in trouble. Hello, Verizon Service Guy - can you help me? 

Thus ensued my discovery that not only was the phone shot, but I'd have to wait for a new one to be shipped to me. In the meantime I was dealt a loner. That was a horrific experience in itself (so bad, I was almost ready for a rotary phone. You laugh. But it was awful). Over 12 days later and the "smart phone" still had not come home. The wait ensued. 

Here's my point: a fast run, to stay healthy and disciplined, with the goal of making it home before the rain was an initial great goal. But the demolishing of a phone, in the rain, and days of being without my right hand has given me pause. 

Guilty. I'm just like many of the 21st century phone touting adults. Used as a tool for work, time killer, entertainment, a way to keep in touch it is indeed second nature for me to consult it - constantly. It's my crutch for my introvert-ness self in a crowd who does not want to talk to people: I hide behind my phone. It's my anthem of coolness - carrying a smart phone, and using it for maps, directions, flight details, tracking world news, taking pictures, and more. And it's my resource to make sure every moment counts for productivity. The trivia a Verizon Rep shared with me did not come as a surprise: that for many people it is the first thing they touch in the morning, and the last thing they touch at night. I'm not sure why this is trivia to some of us - it's just fact. 

So my point of this piece is more of an examination in the mirror: I like my phone, use my phone, but have abused my phone. In the same way you're thrown off your stride when you can't use a hand, or you're without a car, this has been expensive by throwing me off my rhythm. 

Truth be told - the expense was probably worth it.  Being without it has shown me how much I don't need it. Don't worry I'm not going rogue and throwing it away but I hope to be more mindful that there is life beyond the screen. And becoming obsessed with a phone and everything on it is not healthy. This too is good to remember.

So, here's to runs. In the rain. And finding the 21st century magnificent technology is not yet perfect. With rain - and the quality moments of life as examples - it just can't beat or replace everything. And that's ok. It is still annoying to be without the grandiose smart phone but life will continue. 


Saturday, May 9, 2015

Finding Wisdom Among the Dead

There is a fine balance to exploring your family history or collective story (some would call it ancestry, or genealogy work but that seems so un-exciting). 

On one side it's quite thrilling to realize you have a "Captain" in your family from the 1700's. Amusement is endless that one family member had the name Ebenezer. Or how about Deliverance? But to a history lover like me, it's thrilling to just know your family lived in Connecticut while it was still a Colony! Yet I am stymied by the fact that so many of my family lived in New York. For. So. Long. How unromantic and thrilling is that. It's not. That's my point. At this point in my family's narrative I would think I'd be in the thick of Europe. But no, it's late 1600's and "we're still living out East in Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York (I did mention that already, right?). 

When my Grandpa died over a decade ago, one of my cousins and I went exploring in the old farmhouse attic. Perhaps I read too many Nancy Drew books growing up to peak my interest. And how glad I am that my curiosity turned to courage. What we found was similar to a novel coming to life - and it was awe-inspiring! 

To our astonishment we found over a dozen old family journals, and a hundred plus of family pictures that go back so far it makes your head spin to process. It's taken me a few years to dig in. But that I have. And I am amazed. 

I am reminded of the truth that you cannot look for the living among the dead. How foolish of me to get so drawn in to staring at my family's past instead of investing in its future. 

But on the positive side, it has great benefit. You see, I live in a generation and culture that has great disregard for history, an accurate narrative of our nation's founding, or how older generations made their success. Their commitment to hard work, individual responsibility, and the personal fellowship of community, should be our quest as well. The older I get, the call for wisdom that I've spent my life reading in Proverbs is fermenting and coming alive in me. Wisdom asks that I appreciate its value, and seek for it like a precious jewel. And in response, it makes sense that I look "back" so I can appreciate where I came from, and I have a sense of what to carry into the future. 

Looking back gives context. And while everything from the early 1900's for example was not perfect, it reminds me that I have family that lived through the Roaring 20's, or World War II heroes that went to serve our nation, and survivors of the depression. I am not to let their heaviness burden my own soul as God gives grace to those who walk through it, when they walk through it. But because it's my family it gives me a nudge to have greater appreciation for these moments. Admit it. It makes history come alive. 

Men and women who worked hard to have a good life. Journals telling of the simple things that brought joy like Aunt and Uncle who came to visit a Great Grandma, and how at 11 years of age she had to journal about its significance. And a people who loved America that they fought to make it survive and thrive. 

I must remember that in the dead is not my hope, and it is not my life. However, it is a piece of my story. And why not understand your past so you can make better sense of "the rest of the story" ... aka my story and its future. 

So it's okay that family lived in New York for all those years and not all exploring the great out west (well, I still have a lot to discover in the research so who knows). On one hand I could be mad at them all that the foundation building all the ancestors did (or lack thereof) resulted in a mess my generation has to deal with. Like voting Franklin D. Roosevelt into office who made big government explode. 

But instead I have to dilute my judgment and believe the best (of which I will) - perhaps they are some who laid the foundation for freedom, stood against tyranny, and saw a bright tomorrow for our nation. And - well - that is a noble cause. I hope that I can follow well in their footsteps. 

Let the exploring - and the living - continue! The best is yet to come. 

- ajh

Monday, November 10, 2014

Brilliant Way to Communicate to Millennials

My Congressman emailed this image out. He could have given us lots and lots of text to convey the same point. But instead he gave us this image. Keep it in mind next time you want to get our attention.

Bravo Congressman Tim Walberg (7th CD, Michigan)


Sunday, August 10, 2014


When we can recognize what is good, then we can acknowledge what is wrong in our culture. White looks white until you hold it up to pure white and you realize the original color was cream or a very faint grey. When one sees a contrast, one notes the real meaning of both substances. That "understanding" alters the course of one's direction.

What if, in the same way, we identified what is good and held it in fair comparison against what is "less-good". I propose we could then better recognize, and admit, what is missing and the consequences that follow its void.

This year, I've been drawn to the words virtue, honor, wholesomeness and goodness. These terms are antiquated and irrelevant language for some, and yet poignantly beautiful to others. To the latter, hearing them used is like reconnecting with old and familiar friends in a foreign land.

We live in a culture that has bought into the lie that there is no relationship between our moral virtues and our economic and cultural success. How much longer are we going to dismiss the undeniable relationship?

Sadly, our culture - at the moment - interchanges good and bad. They have both turned a muddy grey. Many people have covered their eyes and ignored the changing definition. Or themselves have accepted the current grey as satisfactory and allowed it to be the new "white" or standard. Toward our current demise - as individuals and a nation - we have slowly built upon these new norms and in turn have vacated the power of the original purpose.

Many define goodness on different levels. Regardless of our philosophical or religious beliefs, all of us can recognize there is an evil in our culture and that we can do better. If there is evil, there must be goodness. We have to start somewhere to define these things. For the majority of Americans, again regardless of specific religion, we recognize there is a God; if He master-minded magnificent creation, I think He's credible to define for us what is right, virtuous and honorable.

To every virtue or function of being, there is an opposite. Honest versus dishonest. Courage versus timidity. Boldness versus weakness. Standing versus sitting. Running versus standing still. This week, consider every day examples of evil, bad, or corruption and ask yourself - what is the opposite? And does my life recognize the opposite's existence? Does my family? My community? If no, we must not despair but work to redeem this moment in history.

The lack of presence in the every day vocabulary does not change their worth, or dilute their power. However, we can all acknowledge that as a society and country, these timeless qualities have been subliminally denied existence. Starting with the simply thing of using words in our every day language that define what is good, right, and true, will get us thinking about them again. Inquisitive minds often go looking for honest answers. Behind every powerful word is a concept. When, once again, we pursue the concepts behind good, honor and wholesome, perhaps our society will realize the ill we face at this moment with our less than ideal standards, and walk in the other direction.

The beautiful part is - if as individuals we remember what is right, true, and wholesome we have a chance of making America great again. But that's a blogpost for another time.

- ajh

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Discovering Religious Freedom in New England

I walk away from a whirlwind tour of New England with this poignant reminder: a small group of people from all across their country came together and made a trek across a vast ocean for a specific purpose. They vacated their homes, left their families, and endured horrendous living conditions, started building homes in the friged winter, sacrificed their lives and all they had ever known and loved for this simple reason: they wanted the FREEDOM to worship God how THEY wanted.

That's it. That is why the Pilgrims - and those to follow - came to America in the early 1600's.

Their commitment to Christ, and His principles were so strong, and deeply rooted in their souls, that they had "no choice" but to find freedom for expression - even if that meant they must make a home in a wild unknown world.

When I look in the mirror and consider, as someone who has benefited from religious freedom, it is up to me and a grand few as to whether this same liberty is lost or preserved for tomorrow's generation. My chest gets heavy. Yet I will not hide from the fact that even now, in this hour in America, I am a care-taker of this right. The stark truth that it's a hard battle, one easy to let go of, or dismiss for generations to follow - is cold reality. Yet in the process of considering what others have done before me to obtain something so dear and sweet, I am re-affirmed that my choice to put elbow grease into all that I can is well worth it. I cannot turn back.

Many have heard me say up until now that I hope to meet the Founding Fathers when I get to heaven and to hear them say "Thank you for what you have done to keep our country free". But after this fresh revelation on the Mayflower in Plymouth 2014, I think I'll be changing those words. Now, in addition to the Founding Fathers, I also plan to meet the Puritans, the Pilgrims, and all those who fit into the "we sacrificed a lot so that you as a nation could worship God how you wanted" hall of fame. I realize I will answer to a huge cloud of witnesses. But with God has my final Judge, if they look at me and say "You helped keep, preserve, solidify and pass on the torch of freedom" I will know that I have done well.

Oh Father, please let it be that religious freedom will not disappear in my lifetime, or in America's centuries to come. May I work to pass it on to generations to come, regardless the cost, conditions of the battle, or length of time. Show me how God. Show me how. Religious freedom, and all freedoms that coincide, is just too precious to lose. - ajh

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dear Liberals, I Am Not Dumb: My Take on Their Horrid Attempt to Woo Millennials

(Cross posted via my Facebook "blog")

In light of all the healthcare related (and other) commercials that have been created to convince Millennials to "get smart" and join the Affordable Healthcare Act, here is my response: 

Dear Liberals, 

I am not dumb. Please stop regarding my generation of Millennials as such. Your messages thus far conveying this sentiment really reflects poorly on you and your own self confidence. 

If your ideas are the most beneficial, than make the case to us. But don't try to win the debate by demeaning us. Stop belittling us with your comedy show routines. Stop regarding us as though we are only hormone and not intellectual driven. 

The clarity in which you advocate for your cause is obvious -  if you intend to make us into bitter, dependent, and un-driven consumers of society. It seems you consider us brainless, will-less and only capable of following your tried and tested philosophies which have been proven through-out history to be riddled with failure. 

Before you haughtily sign us off as a non-engaged, imbecile, generation that only has desires to play video games, in our footy pajamas from our parents basement, you might consider that it is our generation that has given you.  

So before you continue this tirade of mockery and manipulation, consider: you are spending our money. Our creativity has given many of you a mode to make your own enterprises more successful. And quite frankly, all the big government you continue to expand means the more we have to pay for which ultimately means there is less in our pockets later. 

Oh and by the way, you deserve more than what liberal adulation has to offer. 


A Millennial

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dear Soldier, Now That You've Come Home...

Disclaimer: While this is written with a masculine overtone, it is extended to both men and women. It was simply the preferable tone for this piece, of the writer. My deep gratitude goes to all those serving! ajh

Dear American Warrior:

Your feet have landed on American soil and with relief you've made it home - alive.

As time passes and you adjust to civilian life, a mix of emotions and questions become your reality. Situations, dynamics, people and you have changed since you signed those entrance papers, or left your home town weeks, months or years ago. Your mind grapples with the question of "What now."

I will not pretend to know what it is like being a soldier, maneuvering war zones, longing for home and familiar, hating the enemy yet loving your country more, seeing friends die, and having to leave others behind. Coming from a military family, combined with a zeal I have for our nation, I can however deeply respect the experience of what you have endured. 

A chapter of your life narrative has ended but your story is not complete. 

If you've lost a limb, are mentally struggling, can't seem to find a new life rhythm and feel clueless as to what your normal should be now, I tell you emphatically: do not give up! Now is when the true warrior quest begins! When people see you, they do not scorn you. Instead they wish they were like you, the embodiment of bravery and sacrifice. There is no greater honor than what you bear. 

When someone, like you, puts on the military uniform, salutes our flag, and commits to defend its ideals to the end; when that someone sacrifices comforts of home, family, or personal civilian dreams; when you walk tenderly to avoid land mines, ride the armored tank, fly the fighter jets, work behind the computer screen processing dangerous intelligence (and more!) all so that we can be safe, and free - you will always be a hero. 

The silent stranger who passes you in the coffee shop would say thank you if she was bold enough to speak. She would look you in the eye and say "Don't you dare give up. Your purpose at home is just beginning. Your role is the war zone we call life is not through. There is a place for you. You are needed, valued and loved." With passion and fervor as a voice for millions of Americans, she would tell you this: You are not alone. Yes, that girl is me. 

There is a place for you on American soil, Soldier. So many fellow Americans are eager to help you find your way. We've been waiting for your safe return. We are so grateful for your service, so humbled to be a benefactor of your sacrifice, and so eager to do what we can to give back to you. Please, let us help you in return. You are ours to care for now! 

Your country loves you. Do not give up.

Welcome home, Soldier. Welcome home! 

Sincerely - a grateful benefactor of freedom, all because of you. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Powerful Quote on Marriage

Join me in celebrating Marriage Week by offering accolades to the positive features of marriage.

What a powerful quote this is. Stop complaining about it. Make it work, people. My generation needs your example that one man, one woman marriage is worth it.

Explore these pro-marriage sites: 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

What I'm Reading Right Now

If you're reading this post, it's likely you use Facebook and or Twitter; possibly even Instagram, Pinterest or Google+. Only by reading this book am I learning what a "deeper realm" social media is linked to: Marketing, story telling, advertising to a culture that has the attention span of 15 seconds or less.

So far, I definitely recommend it.

Thanks to Brian Kilmeade for having author Gary Vaynerchuk on his radio station. Thanks to Brian for having a cool show that made me want to listen. Oh yeah and thanks to Gary for writing this great book.

Accolades over now. Go buy the book. 
- ajh

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

FRC: Social Conservative Review

Family Research Council sends out this periodic email called The Social Conservative Review. This is just a sampling of the resources the latest email shares. It is an incredible resource! Share with your networks and join their email today.  

The Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News--December 13, 2013
Legislation and Policy Proposals
Peonage for the Twenty-First Century," The Public Discourse
"Sam Rocha's Strange and Startling Philosophy of Education," First Things
"Schools Improve When Leaders Stop Rationalizing Mediocrity," Education Next
"How bad are the Common Core lessons on the Gettysburg Address?," Thomas B. Fordham Institute
"U.S. Achievement Stalls as Other Nations Make Gains," Education Week

Government Reform
"Regulation Nation: Gov't regs estimated to pound private sector with $1.8T in costs," Fox News
"3 Examples of Government Regulation Gone Horribly Awry," PolicyMic
"Why Do We Have Excess Regulation, and Can We Get Rid of It?," National Review Online

Health Care
Why Abstinence Works...Even When it Doesn't," Independent Journal
"Sex and College Students: When 'just say no' doesn't work," Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Health care reform: ACA/Obamacare
Sex, Lies, and ObamaCare," The American Thinker
"Do we want more affordable health care? Then we need to leave health care to the free market," The Center for Vision and Values
"New Obamacare Headache: Is Your Enrollment Real?," ABC News
"Obamacare Enrollments May Not Be Real," Washington Free Beacon

Keep Reading... Family Research Council Social Conservative Review

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Educational Choice: The Ponderings of My Latest Interest

Americans are all about freedom, justice, fairness and opportunity. We are very much opposed to subliminal mind games, bureaucratic restrictions, and cookie cutter opportunities. It is possible I have “stumbled” upon one of the most significant, yet broadly unrecognized, tools to perpetuate our American ideals for personal success and individual value and liberty. Educational Choice.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

You Ignored Your Market. (Part 2 of 2)

(Continued... from yesterday's part 1)
Millennials have to be ready to, without much persuasion of, invest in a system. We’re a generation that has been raised on systems. And we’ve seen them fail immensely. We want people to benefit and to have their needs taken care of (because, we do care about others). But to convince us we have to personally dump money (and a lot of it) into a system to help someone else, but not knowing if it’s going to work or not – is a far reach. Why not just go volunteer and help them directly ourselves?

Monday, December 2, 2013

You Ignored Your Market. (Part 1 of 2)

It’s perplexing to me how those who designed Obamacare did not accurately evaluate the market they would ultimately have to rely on for its success. The Millennials. 
The creators of this bureaucratic healthcare machine had access to the greatest minds in the areas of marketing, branding, technology, cultural studies and framing the debate. Therefore, it’s befuddling how and why they did not cover all their bases sufficiently to ensure our buy-in.  

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Quit Making Excuses for the Millennials

Quit making excuses for the young adult generation.

It feels like my generation has full time lobbyists who are busy clarifying to the world as to why we do not have jobs, have not reached the American pinnacle of success, are not financially prosperous, still live in our parents' basements and just overall have an air of irresponsibility. Whether via voices in the media, academia, marketplace or local neighborhood, these lines have become oh too familiar: "The economy is so bad to be looking for a job right now and jobless rates are so high! College graduates can't find jobs in their fields. This is a tough time to be starting a career and a family."  Please, stop making excuses for my generation.

Now, don't mis-understand me. In no way am I highlighting those of my peers who are working to find a job and the doors keep closing. I applaud them for their fortitude and perseverance! Instead, I'm highlighting a general cultural mindset of older adult role models to the Millennials.
A wise man once said "Children will rise to the level of expectation."  Have you considered what expectations you have of us?  

Even among our own peer group, an assumption is perpetuated that those with college degrees absolutely cannot work at the jobs obtainable without a degree. My question is: Why not? Since when did we become too proud to work a less than ideal job, so to have income? Where did we miss the lesson to love working in general, and recognize the reward of it? How did we meld into this mindset that working two jobs, getting our hands dirty and humbling ourselves to work outside our trained field – is impossible?

Instead of focusing on the “poverty” of what we face as a generation, we should be looking at this hour in our culture as opportunity!! Check out these young people in history who did not sit back and let circumstances dictate their success:

Monday, September 2, 2013

Deception Has Cloaked the Devil - Planned Parenthood and Its Founders' Agenda

I’d like to offer dignity to those who have utilized their services yet didn’t know. Your role in this narrative is non-important. What is important is the foundation of this entity, the agenda of its founder and what it looks like in the future.

Enter Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger.

I forget what source I was reading that highlighted this book Killer Angel, written by George Grant. The description that it was short, credible and a historical depiction of a life that few know about drew me to purchase it. The words on the page gripped me. The story of this woman makes you wonder how a person can be guilty of this level of evil and yet go unknown.

The author eloquently put Margaret Sanger’s life, the same generation and age range of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini, in context:

“…Stalin would see to the slaughter of at least fifteen million Russian and Ukrainian kulaks… Mussolini would massacre as many as four million Ethiopians, two million Eritreans, and a million Serbs, Croats, and Albanians. As the wildly lionized Fuhrer, Hitler would exterminate more than six million Jews, two million Slavs, and a million Poles. As the founder of Planned Parenthood and the impassioned heroine of various feminist causes … Sanger would be responsible for the brutal elimination of more than thirty* million children in the United States and as many as two and a half billion worldwide.” (page 19; bold emphasis my own)

Our records of history and culture have justifiably branded Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini as cruel humans whose evil intents knew no bounds. But for some reason Margaret Sanger’s story has been hidden, cloaked in robes of glory, praise and justification. Our culture continues to live with this destructive chemical weapon in our back yard yet our understanding of it resembles that of the leaders of her day whom bought into her agenda. We, like her plethora of supporters did, prove ourselves fools, uneducated simpletons by allowing this monstrosity to continue.

Here are a few facts taken from Mr. Grant’s book:
  • Margaret Sanger was a very troubled, broken and lost individual from youth until death. She was a sex addict beyond all reason. She was a gifted movement leader. And Planned Parenthood materialized from a small passion to implement the following ideas:
  • She was a dedicated Eugenic… “thoroughly convinced that the ‘inferior races’ were in fact ‘human weeds’ and a ‘menace to civilization’.” (Page 83)
  • Margaret’s efforts and business was “… from its inception implicitly and explicitly racist…evident in its various programs and initiatives: government control over family decisions, nonmedicinal health-care experimentations, the rabid abortion crusade, and the coercive sterilization initiatives.” (Page 85)
  • She strategically placed her “clinics” in areas populated by those she saw as “unfit” for her crusade to ‘save the planet’. (Page 78) Her targeted cultures included those of the “Blacks, Hispanics, Amerinds, Fundamentalists, and Catholics” (Page 85) as well as Jews. She had no limits as to what she would do to accomplish her agenda.
  • Around World War II, she and her colleagues “determined that all Planned Parenthood associations – regardless of social, cultural, or political contexts – make ‘legal access’ to ‘unrestricted abortion’ a ‘high priority.’” (Page 94)
  • Margaret and her peers “made certain that each national affiliate would develop and implement ‘value-free’ sex-education curricula and programs…using perverse off-the shelf commercial pornography in elementary classrooms, undermining traditional values, usurping the authority of parents, and encouraging promiscuous activity…” (Page 95)
  • Hitler and Stalin empathized or implemented her theories; one of her close friends was Hitler’s director of genetic sterilization, involved in the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene. 
Somehow this story, depicted here by even a few points, goes untold while her facilities and their destruction reside in many communities in our states. They continue the agenda of a woman who wanted to eliminate those she deemed worthless. And we as Americans have let this atrocity continue.

Here’s a link to find Planned Parenthood corporate offices in your state or a list of facilities (example here is Michigan; see tab on upper right hand side of page for your own state info).

Our goal is not to demonize the people who are innocently involved, but to rescue them from destruction, as well as the women, fathers and unborn babes who are unknowingly caught up in this destructive agenda. This is where laws, local governments and alternative pregnancy resources centers play a role.

Here are three challenges:
  1. Educate: Find the closest Planned Parenthood in your region. Educate yourself on this story and share it with your friends.
  2. Pray: Network with others and start a prayer effort, specifically asking God: How can we help the people intertwined with this entity, and how do we remove this place and its agenda from our communities?
  3. Act. Now. Take God’s instructions, and the wisdom of others – and act. 
“Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, ‘But we knew nothing about this,’ does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done?” (Proverbs 24:11 – 12)

Bless those who have not known. Love those who do not believe. But together set the story free to be told and to be known.

May our generation be written about in the history books: that in our time, Planned Parenthood was no longer utilized. Margaret Sanger, your poison has been exposed and your agenda will be inoculated.

Carry on Life Preservers… we have a job to do!
- ajh

*Please note the book was last published in 2001. The number over abortions is over 54 million in the US now.