Showing posts with label Catholics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholics. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2013

Refreshing: Marriage Battle - All Is Not Lost

I've just come across a piece that is awash of encouragement. While I am not sure that I agree with all of what the author says, I see nuggest of gold. Here are a few of them from The Surest Way to Promote God's Good Plan for Marriage (by Dan Doriani)

  • Jesus defends one man one woman marriage in the gospels: "On the other hand, Genesis states and Jesus reaffirms God's good plan for marriage: "From the beginning the Creator made them male and female. . . . For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh" (Matt. 19:4-5). "
  • Quotes Russell Moore "...the gospel doesn't need family values to flourish: "Real faith often thrives when it is in sharp contrast to the cultures around it..."
  • "...this is hardly the first time an America court or legislature has promoted or tolerated actions contrary to biblical morality..."
  • "Waves of good marriages will make the case for God's plan more effectively than any state or federal law..."
  • We still have the freedom to promote traditional marriage (vs countries like China who are forced into abortions, not even having the freedom to promote or choose a certain value)
Take a peek at it yourself. And many thanks to Family Research Council for pointing me in the right direction of hope! (Sign up to join their regular Social-Conservative Issue Review email. It's a worthy email to receive!)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Breathtaking Departure of the Pope (Video)

One of my dearest friends shared this video of the Pope's departure today from the Vatican. There is no narrator. Just applause, gentle fairwells, the ringing of bells and a sea of attendants who are gently transitioning him to this next stage of pilgrimage. It is awesome and well worth the 3 minute watch.

Last week, I "randomly" came across a documentary on the Vatican on tv. While I enjoy and appreciate documentaries, I rarely watch them. They don't come as the first choice for enjoyable relaxation.
But this one caught my attention and my spirit and I was gripped with the hour long education and observation of the culture within these proverbial four walls. It was so enlightening.

I am not a Catholic but having grown up around those of the Catholic faith for many years and them having graciously accepted my million and one questions I can say the following: I am so grateful for the role the Catholic community plays in our culture, their devout faith and adoration of God is humbling and the standards which they embrace are convicting.

As I watched this man depart, I was praying for his protection and future encounters with God. I am thinking of my Catholic friends and the community at large today, praying to God "What is it You have next for them, Father?"

This is a moment in history we would do well to take note of. And may my religious sect, if you call it that, of Protestants learn from this faithful community of Catholics. We may not agree on all the doctrine, but I do agree with them in this: We love God, we love people, and we believe our lives should demonstrate adoration and surrender to Him.

To my three bosom buds of Catholic women, to God be the glory for what He has done in and through your community thus far. Seeing Christ reflected in you gives me hope to continue on. May an even greater awareness of Father God be with you in these days of transition. To Him be the glory indeed.