Sunday, April 14, 2013

News Sources I Follow

Here are a few of my favorite news sources, take them or leave them.

Google News - it has a feature you can personalize the settings. - formerly Google Reader (on it's way out) it allows you to track news quickly with a scan - National, but they seem to have up to the minute political items. It definitely has a liberal slant, so take it all in context. - This is a news site that was created by Glenn Beck and colleagues. - One of the top news sources that politicos of all kinds watch. Matt Drudge has the corner on the market for news reporting. Credible. - Similar to Drudge Report, I find this to have "new" info I'm not hearing elsewhere.

Twitchy | Who Said What - Michelle Malkin has created what Greg Gutfeld calls the thing of the future. This site provides an aggregate of news stories that are happening on twitter. And it's not going away. Not into joining twitter? At least follow this up and coming news source. - Biggest tips for Twitter? It's perfect for people who work in politics or want up to the second news. Do word searches on topics you're interested in. And watch what's trending - it will tell you what is on the lips of the markets you might be interested in.

Also, I hope to start tracking these sources more: - Supposedly this is the place where a lot of young people gather. As with Drudge Report, the presentation is bare but it's the content the visitors care about. And the minimalist asthetics has some appeal in thsi bells and whistles world! - Andrew Breitbart (deceased in 2012) was a bold voice for reporting and revealing the truth. His legacy continues. - Tucker Carlson is becoming a fmiliar face on FoxNews but his primary role is as the leader at Daily Caller. He is in the "friend to conservative" media circle. There aren't many - but he is someone to regard.

For TV, I follow Foxnews

For Radio, I'm a ginormous fan of (check your local stations):

Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh (check your local station), Sean Hannity, NPR, WJR/or any local station I can pick up.

I'd rather read the news on my phone (it's smaller screen and lets to move my eyes across) and I love listening to the news. Make your items short and sweet and assure us that you are the reporting voice who is credible, objective and known for passionately pursuing the truth of the story. I, for one, am a Millennial willing to listen.

Over and out.
- ajh