I think I may start posting certain pieces that are absolutely must reads. Of course there are always items that are interesting but there are key messages that are, from my opinion, truths that need to be acknowledged and shared among our networks.
I think this piece by David Barton with Wallbuilders is one of them. Please read and share. May this well documented piece cause angst to our spirits and minds as we acknowledge the truth of President Obama's blatant stands. But most importantly may it open the door for us to know God's heart for this President who is very much mis-led. May pieces like this be catalysts for convictions of our own heart: we must be faithful followers of God, stand for his truth, and pray for our leaders.
God's heart for people is more important than my bias or opinion. I was once in darkness, but now I'm in the light. But by the grace of God... go I.
Please wake up, Mr. President! Standing against God is not a good thing for our nation, or for you.
Respectfully submitted,
WallBuilders - Issues and Articles - America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President