Thursday, August 25, 2011

Do we have the Will?

Do we have the WILL to fight for our freedoms as Americans? To go to war, you draw up a plan, you make sure everyone is on the same page, prepare, train, get to know the territory, go to battle, retreat, recover, go onto the next battle, re-assess and on and on and on. To win a war is not something that happens in a moment it is something that is a longterm process. It takes persistence, perseverance, tenacity and ... a will to continue. If we are going to win the battle for ideas in the market place, we need to set our sights on the right goal. We must be engaged for a lifetime, not just for a campaign. A WILL to fight that lasts long term is something that is created, refreshed and stoked by God and His Holy Spirit. A Will that will produce effective productivity and win the war is not something that can be created through humanism.