Wednesday, October 24, 2012

November 6: Justice in the Balance

Arguably, the courts have done more damage to traditional and Judeo-Christian values in America than both the legislative and executive branches combined. For decades, and now more than ever, we have seen our basic and God-ordained freedoms threatened by those who sit on the bench. The Supreme Court is our last line of defense from liberals who seek to circumvent the legislative and executive branches of government for the sake of their destructive agenda.

To defend our values and preserve our priceless freedoms, we must engage the church community. If faith leaders and their followers fail to embrace the importance of electing rule of law judges, the strong constitutional foundation and rule of law framework that has made our country great will continue to weaken and ultimately result in our demise as a free and prosperous people.

To not implement this crucial program in this hour in our culture, with a voting base that can drastically influence elections, could have grave consequences... (keep reading)

Watch this video then learn more on the court elections ...